








Rudolf Von Ribbentrop was born on 10 May 1921 in Wiesbaden . His father was the German Foreign Minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop. At the outbreak of the war, Rudolph Von Ribbentrop enlisted as a recruit in the Replacement Battaillon of the "Deutschland" Standarten. Following the invasion of Polland, Von Ribbentrop was transfered to Kompanie 11. He served in this Kompanie throuhgout the Western Campaign, winning the Iron cross second class, and a promotion to Sturmman for bravery in the face of the enemy. He was also to recieve his first wound; a bullet fragment in his upper right arm.

魯道夫..李賓特洛普於1921510號誕生在威斯巴登.他的父親正是當時大名鼎鼎的德國外交部長約阿希姆..李賓特洛普.在戰爭爆發時.魯道夫還是個剛剛入伍在"德意志"後備營裡接受訓練的新兵. 隨著德國正式入侵波蘭.魯道夫被編入武裝SS11.他便在這個連上歷經了西線戰役.也在這時贏得了他第一面勳章---二級鐵十字獎章.他也在這場戰役中勇猛果敢的面對敵人並攻入陣地.成為同僚口中的"突擊兵(sturmman)"(獲頒青銅步兵突擊勳章).也在這段時間收到了人生的第一發子彈.這是他第一次負傷(獲頒戰傷勳章).


After the successful conclusion of the Western Campaign, Von Ribbentrop was sent to the SS Junkerschule in Braunschwieg. He was commissioned on 20 April 1941 as a Untersturmfuehrer, and was given command of a platoon in 1 Kompanie, Reconnaissance Battalion "Nord". Upon the invasion of Russia, SS Kampfgruppe Nord was sent to Finland were Untersturmfuehrer Ribbentrop was to distinguish himself in the eyes of the Finn's and was awarded the Finnish Freedom Cross, fourth class. On 2 September, 1941 Von Ribbentrop was wounded once again when a bullet fractured a bone in his left forearm. He was sent to a hospital in Hohenlynchen, were he stayed until Febuary 1942. Following a short home leave, he was reassigned to the newly formed Panzerregiment of the LSSAH.


Initially serving as a Platoon leader in the Abietlung's Kradschzenaufklung kompanie, he was later transfered to 3 Kompanie's first Platoon as Platoon leader. He then served briefly with the Regimental Staff as a Operations Officer. He was then assigned to the 6 Kompanie, II./Pnz.Regt 1, in command of the first Platoon where he went into action during the retreat from Kharkov . Von Ribbentrop was wounded for the third time during these battles; shot in the right shoulder blade, and left shoulder. He also had a minor lung wound. After refusing to be evacuated, Obersturmfuehrer Von Ribbentrop layed in a field hospital while the Russian's encircled the positions of Kampfgruppe Meyer. On day five it was decided the Kampfgruppe would break out to the south, while Wuensche's I.Abeitlung would simutanously attempt to break through the Russian front in the same direction as the breakout. The wounded V. Ribbentrop took part in the breakout in his panzer, which at the time only had use of it's machine gun. Wuensche was successful in relieving the beleagured Kampfgruppe, and over the next week had to beat back continous Russian attempts to destroy Kampfgruppe Meyer. During the ensuing battles, Untersturmfuehrer Alt, commander of the 7 Kompanie was killed. Obersturmfuehrer Ribbentrop was awarded the Iron Cross first class for his personal bavery in these battles.



On 13 March 1943 Ribbentrop took command of 7 Kompanie, and was the Kompanie Commander during the recapture of Kharkov . Following Kharkov 's recapture, Ribbentrop was placed as a Regimental Adjutant. One month later he was given the responsibilty of training Luftwaffe members that were sent to the LSSAH. On 15 June he was back in field command, and was appointed commander of 6 Kompanie. One month later he was awarded the Knight's Cross. 

On 1 August he was transfered to the newly formed 12.SS Panzerdivision "Hitlerjugend", and was charged with commanding two Junior officer training courses. Four months later he was appointed commander of the 3 Kompanie, I./Pnz.Regt 12. On 3 June 1944, heading back to Le Neubourg following a training excersize, his car was attacked by a Spitfire, and Von Ribbentrop was wounded for the fourth time; again a back/lung wound. He was taken to Bernay Hospital , and by 9 June, was back in command of his Kompanie. Towards the end of July, he was sent back ot the hospital in Bernay to recieve treatment fo Jaundice. During the defensive battles in Normandy , Ribbentrop was awarded the German Cross in Gold, and the Panzer Assault Badge "25". Following the breakout from Falaise, Obersturmfuehrer Von Ribbentrop was made the Regimental Adjutant to Panzerregiment 12. It was in this capacity that he saw action in the " Battle of the Bulge". 

On 20 December he was wounded for the fith time with a shell fragment in his mouth. He was awarded the Wound Badge in Gold, and shortly there after given command of I./Pnz.Regt 12. He commanded this Abeitlung until the Divisions surrender to the American's on 8 May. 

His father, Joachim Von Ribbentrop, was charged with crimes against humanity and was executed at Nuremburg. Rudolf Von Ribbentrop survived the war, and is still alive today. 





Iron Cross II/二等鐵十字勳章:1940619日。

Infantry Assault Badge Bronze/青銅步兵突擊勳章:1940101

Wound Badge in Black/黑色戰傷勳章;1940418

Finnish Cross of Liberty IV/自由芬蘭勳章第四等;1941101

Iron Cross I: 18 March 1943 一等鐵十字勳章;1943318

Wound Badge in Silver: 1 May 1943 銀質戰傷勳章;194351

Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross: 15 July 1943 騎士鐵十字勳章;1943715

German Cross in Gold: 25 August 1944 金質日爾曼十字勳章;1944825

Wound Badge in Gold 金質戰傷勳章


Wounded: Fragment in upper right arm 30 May 1940 1940530日,上右臂碎片傷。

Wounded: Bullet wound in left forearm 2 September 1941 194192日,左前臂子彈穿透傷。

Wounded: Shot in back 5 February 1943 194325日,背部中彈。

Wounded: Wounded in back by strafing enemy fighter-bomber 3 June 1944 194463日背部遭到敵軍戰轟機掃射受傷。

Wounded: Shell fragment in Mouth 20 December 1944 19441220日,口腔遭到碎片擊中。

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